Karimpour A., (2020), Principles of Data Science with Python: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization, Amazon KDP.
Karimpour A., (2020), Fundamentals of Data Science with MATLAB: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization, Amazon KDP.
Karimpour A., (2018), Ocean Wave Data Analysis: Introduction to Time Series Analysis, Signal Processing, and Wave Prediction, Amazon KDP.
Selected Refereed Journal Publications
Everett, T., Chen, Q., Karimpour, A., & Twilley, R. (2019). Quantification of Swell Energy and Its Impact on Wetlands in a Deltaic Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts (2019) 42: 68-84.
Karimpour, A., & Chen, Q. (2017). Wind Wave Analysis in Depth Limited Water Using OCEANLYZ, a MATLAB toolbox. Computers & Geosciences, 106,181-189.
Karimpour, A., Chen Q., Twilley, R. R. (2017), Wave Behavior in Fetch and Depth Limited Water, Nature Scientific Reports, 7, 40654.
Karimpour, A., Chen, Q., and Twilley, R. R. (2016). A Field Study of How Wind Waves and Currents May Contribute to the Deterioration of Saltmarsh Fringe. Estuaries and Coasts, 39: 935-950.
Karimpour, A., Kaye, N.B. (2012), The critical velocity for aggregate blow-off from a built-up roof, J. of Wind Eng. And Ind. Aerodyn, Vol. 107–108, Aug–Sep 2012, P 83-93.
Karimpour, A., Kaye, N.B. (2012), On the stochastic nature of compact debris flight, J. of Wind Eng. And Ind. Aerodyn, Vol. 100 (1), Jan 2012, P 77-90
Scientific Libraries
OCEANLYZ: Ocean Wave Analyzing Toolbox in Python and MATLAB (
ScientiMate: Earth-Science Data Analysis Library in Python and MATLAB (