Dr. Arash Karimpour

Assistant Professor of Computational and Physical Science Get Contact Info


Applied Physics and Engineering


Dr. Arash Karimpour is an instructor, applied scientist, and researcher with extensive experience in teaching, leading research, and data analytics. Dr. Karimpour’s research revolves around severe weather and natural hazards and their effects on life, property, and natural features. He has been conducting studies in coastal research, wind engineering, and data analytics. 

You can find out more about Dr. Karimpour at: 



  • PhD, Civil Engineering, Applied Fluid Mechanics, Clemson University 
  • ​MSc, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, K. N. Toosi University of Technology 
  • BSc, Civil Engineering, Yazd University 

Areas of Specialization

  • Coastal Engineering
  • Scientific Data Analysis
  • Wind Engineering
  • Civil Engineering 

Scholarly and Professional Achievements


Karimpour A., (2020), Principles of Data Science with Python: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization, Amazon KDP.

Karimpour A., (2020), Fundamentals of Data Science with MATLAB: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization, Amazon KDP. 

Karimpour A., (2018), Ocean Wave Data Analysis: Introduction to Time Series Analysis, Signal Processing, and Wave Prediction, Amazon KDP.

Selected Refereed Journal Publications 

Everett, T., Chen, Q., Karimpour, A., & Twilley, R. (2019). Quantification of Swell Energy and Its Impact on Wetlands in a Deltaic Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts (2019) 42: 68-84. 

Karimpour, A., & Chen, Q. (2017). Wind Wave Analysis in Depth Limited Water Using OCEANLYZ, a MATLAB toolbox. Computers & Geosciences, 106,181-189. 

Karimpour, A., Chen Q., Twilley, R. R. (2017), Wave Behavior in Fetch and Depth Limited Water, Nature Scientific Reports, 7, 40654. 

Karimpour, A., Chen, Q., and Twilley, R. R. (2016). A Field Study of How Wind Waves and Currents May Contribute to the Deterioration of Saltmarsh Fringe. Estuaries and Coasts, 39: 935-950. 

Karimpour, A., Kaye, N.B. (2012), The critical velocity for aggregate blow-off from a built-up roof, J. of Wind Eng. And Ind. Aerodyn, Vol. 107–108, Aug–Sep 2012, P 83-93.  

Karimpour, A., Kaye, N.B. (2012), On the stochastic nature of compact debris flight, J. of Wind Eng. And Ind. Aerodyn, Vol. 100 (1), Jan 2012, P 77-90 

Scientific Libraries 

OCEANLYZ: Ocean Wave Analyzing Toolbox in Python and MATLAB (http://github.com/akarimp/Oceanlyz

ScientiMate: Earth-Science Data Analysis Library in Python and MATLAB (http://github.com/akarimp/ScientiMate

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